Apache Derby graduates, Derby 10.1 has been released!
Posted on Wed 03 August 2005 in Databases
Heh -- one day after my OSCON tutorial on Apache Derby: Perl, PHP, and
Python, where I focused on the 10.1-alpha release from back in May,
the Derby team announced the first Derby 10.1
Figures that there would be a flurry of activity after my talk
I also noticed that, following the announcement of Derby's graduation from an Apache incubator project into a full-fledged Apache sub-project, the migration of Apache Derby from http://incubator.apache.org/derby to http://db.apache.org/derby is closer to completion. Great stuff!
I think I'll have to talk with the Derby team about having a bit more of an open and more traditional release process; most open source projects that I've been involved with go with more than one alpha release, and they don't usually wait two months before suddenly declaring the official release. I have to assume that timing for OSCON and the Derby graduation into a full-fledged Apache sub-project played some part in the move, but it would be nice to see a more public discussion of the release cycle for future releases.