I'm an author! "Apache Derby: Off to the Races"
Posted on Thu 16 June 2005 in Databases
If you're looking for a book that covers Apache Derby / IBM Cloudscape
top-to-bottom, and you want a gentle introduction to programming
database applications with PHP, Perl, Python, JDBC, or .NET, Apache
Derby: Off to the
is the book for you!
No, really... I'm a co-author, responsible for the chapters on managing
Apache Derby (hey, it's a zero-admin database, so that wasn't too hard),
setting up Apache Derby as a Network Server for ODBC / Call Level
Interface (CLI) applications, and writing Perl, PHP, and Python database
applications with Derby with both Web interfaces and GUI interfaces.
Wez Furlong, the king of PECL and PDO himself,
reviewed the PHP chapter, so you know that, at least, is going to be
My co-authors are Paul Zikopoulos and George Baklarz, who have written a ton of other commercial books. Me, this is my first time out in the real world (I've written technical manuals for IBM before), and I'm pretty excited. I just sent the last, corrected copy of my chapters back to the publisher yesterday, and while I'm sure there are parts that I could improve on (if I thought about it for a really really long time), I'm pretty damn proud of what's going in there and I think it will stand the reader in good stead.
Of course, it's not going to be published until the fall, but why wait
-- order your copy now at Apache Derby: Off to the