On the road again: Evergreen acqfest

Posted on Wed 18 July 2007 in Libraries

So I'm taking off tomorrow for Atlanta to spend four days deeply immersed in discussing, designing, planning, and implementing Evergreen's acquisitions and serials support. At least that's the plan. In our spare time (heh), we're going to tackle the internationalization infrastructure as well. The spirit of the event is modelled loosely after the Access conference hackfests, and has therefore been dubbed Acqfest. Unlike hackfest, however, where the journey itself is usually the goal, with Acqfest there's a much stronger emphasis on actually getting things done. I may, err, acquire a slight southern accent after a few days, but I mostly hope to increase my understanding of Evergreen while kicking in some design suggestions, code, and documentation here and there.

Laurentian is covering my travel--at this point in our evaluation of the future of our systems, it's in the library's interests to give me an opportunity to stare deep into the heart of Evergreen--and my local arrangements are being covered by BC Public Libraries, Georgia PINES, and Equinox Software. I'm contributing my time and, uh, expertise. All round, I think the whole community is going to benefit from the Evergreen Acqfest. Assuming I have a few minutes, I'll try to post some updates on our progress over the next few days.