OpenSRF article in code4lib Journal has been published

Posted on Tue 22 June 2010 in Libraries

Many of you have undoubtedly seen previous drafts of this article as I worked on it over the past three or four months, but I'm pleased to say that the Easing Gently into OpenSRF article has now been officially published by the code4lib Journal. The goal of the article is to introduce the OpenSRF infrastructure for building applications on a scale-out architecture -- which is a high-faluting mouthful -- using a 10-line Perl module that implements a standalone OpenSRF service as the entry point. Along the way, the article covers a little bit of the Evergreen-specific functionality that is built on top of OpenSRF; hopefully enough to act as a teaser for follow-on articles in the future. My naked desire is to get more development talent to join us at the OpenSRF + Evergreen tables. The buffet is rich and the food (and available tasks) are plentiful!

I would be remiss if I did not profusely thank my editors, Jonathan Rochkind and Gabriel Farrell, for their probing questions, requests for more content and examples, and suggestions. They helped shape a much more comprehensive and useful article than I would have produced on my own.