php|tropics talk on using PHP with DB2, Cloudscape, and Derby
Posted on Thu 12 May 2005 in Databases
Today, I gave a talk on using PHP with DB2, Cloudscape, and Apache Derby at php|tropics.
My talk was the second talk of the day, immediately following Wez Furlong's excellent and well-attended presentation on PDO. The strong lead-in may have contributed to the record turnout at my talk -- about 15 people. Part of it, of course, may have to do with the interest stoked by the Zend Core for IBM announcement (now available in beta).
I was very happy to have Wez and Jason Sweat on hand to help stimulate discussion. Wez's PDO presentation covered a lot of the basic database compatibility and optimization principles of PDO and the challenges of designing interfaces for databases beyond MySQL, so I was able to focus more on the specifics about DB2 and Derby. I think the talk went well, although I failed to mention that:
- Windows support is still forthcoming -- I really have to figure out the config.w32 stuff
- The availability of the Zend Core for IBM beta -- although to be
fair, I think that was just released today