A slice of sabbatical

Posted on Tue 21 January 2014 in misc

Yesterday I tested, signed off, and pushed a bunch of bug fixes for the Evergreen library system. Not going to lie; I'm hoping that by clearing up some of the backlog, a few of my own code contributions (like "Add per-library info pages with schema.org structured data support" and Enhanced title display) might get some attention... both branches go a long way towards improving the state of schema.org structured data support in Evergreen.

Today, I took the W3C Schema.org Bibliographic Extension proposal for adding support for periodicals and converted it from wiki format into the RDF Schema format desired by the W3C Web Schemas group. That draft lives here and doesn't look like much. Funny to think that that represents a few months of committee work (two hundred emails or thereabouts, with three conference calls in the mix as well).

I also pushed updated versions of the Perl MARC::Charset and MARC::Record packages to the Fedora Linux distribution. We library types need our tools in top condition, and I had let the packages lag behind the released versions for a while. Nice to clear that off my plate.