Posted on Mon 27 February 2006 in Databases
After almost eight years, today is my penultimate day at IBM.
I've done a lot of interesting work for IBM in that time. From learning about Linux back in 1998 by testing the pre-release DB2 Version 5.2 beta for Linux, to writing the original DB2 for Linux HOWTO for the Linux Documentation Project, to helping realize the DB2 Information Center (setting the standard for the entire IBM corporation along the way), to helping give PHP solid support for DB2... it's a pretty amazing set of accomplishments for a person whose previous jobs include such well-respected positions as an inventory clerk and a night clerk at a convenience store.
The funny thing is, my real professional training is as an information professional. Ahem. More specifically, I have a Master's of Information Studies from the University of Toronto. Still doesn't mean anything to you? Okay... I'm a professionally accredited librarian.

After our move to the frozen wastelands of the North, I was given the opportunity to exercise those long-neglected information professional muscles in an academic environment. I hemmed and hawed over it for a very long time, but on Wednesday, I'll be starting my new career as the Systems Librarian for Laurentian University. It is very difficult to leave IBM behind, as the people I have worked with have been pretty amazing, and much of the personal and professional growth that I have undergone has been due to the nurturing environment of Big Blue... but Laurentian is giving me a fabulous opportunity that I don't want to miss.
So -- farewell to IBM, and hello Laurentian! Between the new home, the
new job, and the new baby on the way, it is going to be a very
interesting year