"Inside the PHP Documentation" presentation
Posted on Mon 16 May 2005 in PHP
A day or two late, but here are the slides for the "Inside the PHP Documentation" presentation I gave at php|tropics 2005 in sunny Cancun, Mexico.
A total of three "real people" attended; Derick and Andrei don't count because they were driven back into the conference room by the blazing sun. So it wasn't a big crowd, but:
- It was the last talk of the conference -- and come on, it's Cancun for heaven's sakes!
- The comments and questions from the attendees demonstrated more than just polite interest, so I think it went over pretty well.
After the presentation, I nudged Derick to figure out why the Livedocs
server at docs.php.net wasn't updating, and he
quickly figured out that there were > 4096 files in each directory, and
the GNU utils were choking on the massive set of arguments. So hopefully
it will become a nice, totally up to date Livedocs server in the next
couple of days, thanks to the power of rm -fr