Just in time delivery - Arik Nathan
Posted on Mon 29 December 2008 in Family
49 minutes before Christmas, Arik Nathan Kabaroff-Scott was
born - much to the delight of his mother. Well, and father too, but some
of us are pickier about avoiding holidays as birth dates than others...
Arik weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces, and was 23 inches long, although
his bulk belied the long slender toes and fingers that he came equipped
with. Perhaps we have a future bass player in our midst?
There was much relief on the Kabaroff side of the family as it was revealed that Arik did not inherit his father's webbed toes. He definitely has his mother's ears, at least as far as attached vs. detached goes.
So far, Arik has been exceedingly kind to his parents, sleeping for two and three hours at a time, eating well, and generally being everything we could hope for. He's healthy and seems happy.
Big sister Amber has adjusted quite well to her new brother. On her first visit to see Arik in the hospital, she commented on his tiny toes and ears, and sang him a lullaby that she had been practicing for months in advance. Although her Mommy, Daddy, and new brother spent Christmas Day in the hospital, Santa conveniently waited until a few days later to arrive at home. And luckily Grandma was on hand to help Amber cope at home for a few days.
Daddy and Arik are getting along rather well, although Daddy has already been taught the hard way one of the major differences between changing a little girl's diaper and a little boy's diaper. Although Daddy's first instinct was to duck and cover, apparently the opposite order of operations is advised...
Mommy is doing quite well recovering at home and bonding with Arik. It's certainly a big adjustment from working on the thesis!
P.S. Daddy apologizes for the delayed announcement and pictures and
thanks everyone for their kind wishes. It's been a little bit busy
around here...