10 years ago you...
Posted on Thu 20 October 2011 in Family • Tagged with Personal
Thank you Lynn. You are my sun and moon and stars.
Continue reading
Posted on Thu 20 October 2011 in Family • Tagged with Personal
Thank you Lynn. You are my sun and moon and stars.
Posted on Fri 26 November 2010 in Family • Tagged with Amber, Arik
The orange hair gel didn't make my hair very orange, but it did a great job on my face. Don't ask me what I'm supposed to have been; I was just there for the yuks.
Posted on Mon 14 September 2009 in Family • Tagged with Arik
On the comfy handmade quilt that cousin Janet made for him
With the ever-hamming big sister
The ability to eat solid food is not necessarily a prerequisite for entry to university
Risque! Look for a similar pose from him in a centerfold in about 20 years.
The MEC double bike …
Posted on Tue 08 September 2009 in Family • Tagged with Personal
When we moved to Sudbury, one of the draws was the wealth of trails available to us for hiking, biking, and cross country skiing. Between work and school and the arrival of Arik and Amber, however, it's somewhat rare for us to take advantage of those trails that are literally …
Posted on Sun 01 March 2009 in Family • Tagged with Personal
Arik is just over eight weeks old now (and over fifteen pounds!), so I'm long overdue to post some photo updates of the family. The following photo was taken when Arik was about six weeks old. He loves the sling; so does his Mommy, and and so does his Daddy …
49 minutes before Christmas, Arik Nathan Kabaroff-Scott was
born - much to the delight of his mother. Well, and father too, but some
of us are pickier about avoiding holidays as birth dates than others...
Arik weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces, and was 23 inches long, although
his bulk …
Amazing. 365.25 days have flown past and Amber is now a walking one year old featuring approximately six teeth, fuzzy / curly hair, and an extremely expressive personality. We held a party for her on her birthday and were lucky to have family and friends visit and call to share …
Our baby is growing up so fast. Near the end of February she tottered a couple of tentative steps from me to Lynn.
Last weekend, she walked right across Jason and Kelly's kitchen floor. You can see for yourself if you don't believe me!
By popular demand, I've posted …
Posted on Sun 24 December 2006 in Family • Tagged with Amber
Okay, okay... I've heard the complaints (which have been streaming in over the past couple of weeks). The general tone is something like this:
So I've been checking this site that is dedicated to celebrating all of the wonder that is Amber, and all I've seen is a bunch of …
Posted on Thu 02 November 2006 in Family • Tagged with Amber
No candy for Amber this year... just unbearable cuteness!
Her first tooth is poking through her gums, and it was a bit of a tough process for her, but she always has lots of giggles and smiles for us.