SNO? Bah. How about SCO?

Posted on Sun 24 June 2007 in misc

You've heard of the SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory) before. This morning we were treated to the SCO (Sudbury Comedian Observatory) project; while walking through the Farmer's Market, Lynn spotted a familiar face at a table. It turned out that this single table had Deb McGrath, Robin Duke, Teresa Pavlinek, Jayne Eastwood, and Kathryn Greenwood sitting at it. Talk about comedic gravity! I'm surprised that the Farmer's Market, and Sudbury itself, didn't collapse under the sheer density of the celebrity presence in such a small area.

They were in town putting on a couple of performances of Women Fully Clothed as part of the LOL Sudbury comedy festival. I lamely told them that although we weren't going to be able to make their show due to a severe lack of babysitter, we did watch them on TV -- and that I had grown up with SCTV (referring here to Robin Duke, of course). Which, in retrospect, might have been a bit of a nasty thing to say. But hey -- how often do you get to see a comedic hero in person? Okay, but in Sudbury? It was pretty cool. Kudos to Lynn's sharp eyes.