Time travelling
Posted on Tue 14 February 2006 in misc
February 14th, 2006
It's 6:15 am on a Tuesday morning. I am sleep deprived and half hung-over from the paint fumes I have filtered through my lungs in preparing the baby's room this weekend. Despite this, I'm anxiously awaiting your arrival at the bus station. It has been days since I last saw you, and although the phone has brought our voices together, I want to wrap my arms around you, feel you bury your head into my chest, and look into your eyes before giving you a kiss. We're home again, in Sudbury, on a snowy day, after nine years of romance and fourteen years of friendship. Everything is right.
April 1, 2002
We wander through our house. 80 years have passed since this house was built, and many families have made it a home. Now it is our home. Our baby cat runs from room to room, up and down the stairs that he has never before experienced. Our voices mix with Jason and Kelly's and echo through the emptiness -- the emptiness that we will displace with love. Jason opens a bottle of wine and we drink a toast to a new home and old friends.
February, 1997
I call your number and say hello. It has been years since we last talked. Everything has changed, and everything soon changes for the better.
September, 1992
You walk into the room, and amidst the madness of university residence during the first day of frosh week, we are introduced to each other. Something primal in each of us recognizes that we are meant to be. The wait is well worth it.