Evergreen 1.6: Z39.50 target servers for academics

Posted on Fri 05 March 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

UPDATE 2010-03-05 I just backported Warren's patch for sorting Z39.50 servers to rel_1_6_0 (it counts as a bug fix), so expect to see it in the Evergreen release. Yay!

In Evergreen 1.6, Z39.50 target server configuration (for copy-cataloguing targets) moves …

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Fun with Evergreen and SQL: representative record samples

Posted on Thu 04 March 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Let's pretend your national library asked you to submit a set of records with holdings representing all of the various formats in your library system. Let's also pretend that you're really lucky and you're running Evergreen. Here's what you would do to get one example of each combination of item …

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Wrap-up: Evergreen developer workshop at OLA SuperConference 2010

Posted on Mon 01 March 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

To summarize the results of the Evergreen developer workshop at the OLA SuperConference, I think things went pretty well. The primary focus this time was on the nuts and bolts of building a minimal OpenSRF service and I saw the lights go on in a number of faces as I …

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OLA SuperConference 2010 - Evergreen developer workshop update

Posted on Tue 23 February 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Hey all - if you're coming to the Evergreen developer workshop at the OLA SuperConference 2010, there's one thing you can do to prepare. As this is a hands-on workshop (how else can you learn!), I'm hoping many or most of you will have laptops. And ideally, your laptop will have …

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Introduction to SQL for Evergreen administrators

Posted on Sat 20 February 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

I've been a bit quiet for the last two weeks, ostensibly because I've been on vacation. However, much of the time I was preparing to deliver a two-day introduction to SQL for Evergreen to the good people at Bibliomation. On Wednesday I flew down to Middlebury, CT - Bibliomation central - and …

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Evergreen developer workshop at OLA SuperConference, February 24, 2010

Posted on Thu 28 January 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Given the the awards that Project Conifer will be presented with at the OLA SuperConference, this might be a good opportunity to mention the Customizing and Extending Evergreen: a guide for geeks workshop that I'll be giving on Wednesday, February 24th. The workshop description promises:

Together, we will break OpenSRF …

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Conifer garners two awards from the Ontario Library Association

Posted on Thu 28 January 2010 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

The Ontario Library Association (OLA) announced its 2010 OLA and OLA Divisional Award winners today, and to my great surprise Project Conifer was named the winner of two awards:

  1. The Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA) Special Achievement Award
  2. The Ontario Library Information Technology Association (OLITA) Award for Technical …

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MARC library for C# coders

Posted on Wed 09 December 2009 in Libraries • Tagged with Coding

C# isn't in my go-to list of programming languages, but I can understand why others would be interested in developing applications in C#. So it's good news to the C# community of library developers (it would be interesting to find out how many of you are out there) that there …

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Doing useful things with periodical holdings, part 2: comparing with print holdings in Evergreen

Posted on Tue 17 November 2009 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Doing interesting things with Evergreen serials data

Update: 2010-05-31 Running through the process again, I found a few typos in the pg_dump commands, so I fixed those up.

I'm working on a project to compare our electronic journal holdings with our print journal holdings. This is probably a task …

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Doing useful things with the TXT dump of SFX holdings, part 1: database

Posted on Tue 10 November 2009 in Libraries • Tagged with Coding

There must be other people who have much more intelligent things than me with the TXT dump of SFX holdings that you can generate via the Web administration interface, but as I've gone through this process at least twice and rediscovered it each time, perhaps I'll save myself an hour …

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