CouchDB: delicious sacrilege

Posted on Thu 28 February 2008 in Databases • Tagged with Coding

Well, the talk about CouchDB (an open-source document database similar in concept to Lotus Notes, but with a RESTful API and JSON as an interchange format) wasn't as much of a train wreck as it could have been. I learned a lot putting it together, and had some fun with …

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Evergreen workshop at code4lib 2008

Posted on Tue 26 February 2008 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Yesterday morning we (Bill Erickson, Sally Murphy aka "Murph", and I ran an Evergreen workshop (rough agenda, presentation, and links to associated resources from that page) for the code4lib 2008 preconference session. My personal goals were:

  1. Walk people through a simple Evergreen install
  2. Get a small set of bib records …

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The State of Evergreen: OLA Presentation

Posted on Sat 02 February 2008 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

Well, despite getting less than four hours of broken sleep before my 9:00 am presentation, I think I successfully delivered an update on Evergreen:State of the Open ILS to approximately 45 people at the OLA Super Conference today. There were some great questions from the audience that kept …

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Oooh... looks like I've got (even more) work cut out for me

Posted on Thu 17 January 2008 in misc • Tagged with Coding, PHP

PHP is getting a native doubly-linked list structure. This is fabulous news; when I wrote the File_MARC PEAR package, I ended up having to implement a linked list class in PEAR to support it. File_MARC does its job today (even though I haven't taken it out of alpha …

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Like taking cotton balls out of my ears

Posted on Wed 09 January 2008 in misc • Tagged with Personal

We don't watch a lot of TV; maybe four hours a week. But we noticed in the past year or two that a few of the shows we enjoy have muddy soundtracks due to speech being mixed over top of background music and various sound effects that makes the words …

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As if you didn't see it coming...

Posted on Tue 08 January 2008 in misc • Tagged with Evergreen

My employer, Laurentian University, issued a press release today announcing that we have selected Evergreen as our future library system. I wrote more about this on the Evergreen blog, but what I didn't say was ... yay!

We still have a long road ahead of us, but knowing that we'll be …

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Geek triumph

Posted on Wed 21 November 2007 in misc • Tagged with Coding

What a night. I upgraded Serendipity, DokuWiki, Drupal, involving four different servers and three different Linux distros, and shifted one application from one server to another (with seamless redirects from the old server to the new) with close to no downtime. I think this is the first time I've completed …

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Ain't no way to treat your CODI

Posted on Fri 16 November 2007 in misc • Tagged with Evergreen

Wow. Eileen R. Kontrovitz, a board member of CODI (Customers of Dynix, Inc.) wrote, as part of her summary of the recent CODI conference:

Many very nice things happened at the conference but the buzz, the thing everyone who was not there wants to hear about is the unannounced, invitation …

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A chance to work at Laurentian University library

Posted on Tue 06 November 2007 in Libraries • Tagged with Coding

Hey folks, if you're interested in working at Laurentian University, we've got a couple of tenure-track positions looking for qualified people who can stand the thought of working with me... (nothing like narrowing the field dramatically, ah well). The following position descriptions are straight out of the Employment Vacancies page …

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Laurentian goes ever greener

Posted on Fri 12 October 2007 in Libraries • Tagged with Evergreen

This is slightly in advance of our official press release, which is currently in translation, but I will be giving / have given a lightning talk at Access 2007 on this subject and have decided to make the following materials available:

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